Friday, July 16, 2010

The Happiest Place on Earth really is a suitable name for Disney World.

I'm on a Disney high.

Yesterday, my uncle got me, my sister, and my mom into Disney World for free. He's a Disney cast member, so he can get a certain amount of people in for free at a time. His girlfriend got my cousin and my aunt in. We went to Hollywood studios and Magic Kingdom.

I've been to Disney World multiple times. All my life I've had a family member who was a Disney cast member. My dad, my Grandma, my Uncle, and my other Uncle. When my dad worked for Disney we would go every other weekend. My parents loved shopping at Downtown Disney and Main Street USA. Anyways, I always knew that anyone who goes to Disney as much as we do has to have at least one horrible trip, and yesterday was our horrible trip.

Yesterday morning I woke up at six A.M. I was super excited and immediately started getting dressed and packing everything up so we could check out of our hotel room. We were running late, and we got to my grandparents house at 8:40 AM. My uncle was stuck in traffic, and we finally left the house around 9:30 AM and got to the park around 10:20 AM. We decided to head to Hollywood Studios first, and we split up to go ride some rides. I was with my sister and mom, and we were going to ride Tower of Terror and Rock'n Roller Coaster. When we walked over there Katie wouldn't ride the ride, and my mom gets motion sickness. I didn't want to ride the rides alone. My mom decided to go find somewhere that sold motion sickness medicine and a locker to put her camera case in. It took about 40 minutes to finish all of that, and my sister was developing a headache. We had to go to the First Aid area and get my sister some medicine for her headache. My mom and I went to stand in the 80 minute line for Rock'n Roller Coaster, and my sister was too sick so she waiting outside the line. We finally got on the ride after waiting in the heat for an hour, and then we got out and my other family members joined us. My mom didn't ride Tower of Terror (She hates it) so she waited outside with my cousin and sister as I rode the ride with my uncle and aunt.

They re-did the Tower of Terror, and I really miss the older version. I'm not gonna spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, but I thought it was cheesy. The drops were still pretty epic. :D

We got off and decided to go over to the Magic Kingdom. Things seemed to be going great. We got in with no problems, my mom got some great pictures of the castle, we got my mom a birthday pin, and my sister and cousin got a stroller to ride around in. Then my mom dropped one of her favorite camera lenses, and it broke. My aunt said that it would be fixable, but my mom is still very upset. Then we decide to go to Tomorrowland and ride Space Mountain. We soon find out that the fast passes are sold out, and the ride was down for a long time. We go over to the Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor instead. It was really good, but my sister was starting to feel worse. As soon as we exit the Laugh Floor it starts storming. We're stuck sitting under a cover for about 30 minutes. My sister felt like garbage, and my cousin was extremely hyper. The rain/thunder/lightning finally let up, and we went over to the tea cups. I rode it with my cousin and aunt, and my mom was going to take my sister back to First Aid. When we got off, we found my mom who told us that they didn't go to first aid. My cousin decided she wanted to ride the go cart ride, and I went with her.

We waited in line in front of these really annoying people who had no clue what personal space was. The kids kept bumping into me and my cousin, and they were right on top of us the entire wait. We finally got to the end of the line and got in our car. We had a completely spazzed out car, and the steering wheel wouldn't work. We kept running into the metal pole keeping the car on track, and the car was jerking around a lot. There was a line of people behind us because we were going so slow. When we finally got to the end of the ride the cast members offered us another car to drive, and my cousin absolutely loved it. While we were on the track we saw another car doing the exact same thing ours was.

After the ride we found my mom, sister, and aunt. My aunt and sister went to the First Aid area and got my sister some medicine. We decided to leave the park and go to Downtown Disney the next day to do our souvenir shopping. When we got on Main Street my mom realized that my sister might not be feeling up to doing anything the next day, so we did some shopping around Main Street. My mom got two key chains (One for her, one for my dad, who couldn't come on vacation with us.) , two magnets, a Mickey Mouse head that goes on top of your car antenna, and a Mickey Mouse pancake mold. I got a Buzz Lightyear pillow/stuffed animal thing. I collect these things. I have Chip, Dale, and Jack from A Nightmare Before Christmas. My sister started feeling better, and she got a Pluto stuffed animal. When we were finished shopping my sister felt a lot better, and we decided to stay. We went over to Adventureland, and my sister and cousin rode the Aladin ride as I got some pictures. We went to Frontierland where we went into a store absolutely full of Disney pins. I'm a pin fanatic, and I got a special Mickey Mouse pin that opens up like a locket and a Jedi Mickey pin. We then went to eat at Starlight Rays Cosmic Cafe, and we got some pictures around the castle.

We were then going to leave, but my sister wanted to ride more rides. My aunt left with her to ride some stuff, my mom went on her own to take pictures, and I went with my cousin to watch the parade and fireworks, because I secretly wanted to watch them too. I had my cousin on my shoulders during the parade so she could see. I didn't see a lot of the parade, but what I did see was really awesome. We got a good standing place for the fireworks, and I held my cousin on my hip during them. They really stepped up the fireworks. I will always miss Wishes, but I loved what they changed. It's always great to see something new, and I even teared up at certain points.

I then went to search for the rest of the family, and we went back to the tea cups. I got some more pictures, and then we decided to leave. As we were leaving the parade started again (They have two showings. One before the fireworks and one after), and we stayed so that my mom, sister, and aunt could watch. We got a front row seat, and I absolutely loved it. I had a huge smile on my face, I waved to every character. I even blew a kiss to Cinderella. Apparently it was the same parade that they used when my aunt was a kid, which is really cool. Then we left. We drove back to my aunts house, and I crashed in my cousin's pink, princess bed.

I finally figured out what I want to do with my life. I've always been a Disney fanatic, but it didn't hit me until yesterday that I want to be a Disney Cast member when I'm older. I have no idea what I'm going to do, but I would love to be in the parks. I don't want to operate the rides or clean up after everyone for my entire life, but I would love to dress up as a princess, movie star, or any other character for the day. I'm not talking about the characters who put on the big Mickey Mouse costumes and stand around for pictures, I mean the performers. The entire time I was walking around the park I wanted to say "Happy Birthday!" or "Hello, Princess!" to everyone I passed. I wanted to help the crying kids out. I just love the place so much, and I would love to be a part of the magic every day. Even though we had our worst trip ever it was still an amazing experience. It's a wonder how Disney can do that. :)

Anyways, that took a long time to type. My mom and dad have said that they want to plan a trip in February for my birthday. The weather is usually perfect, and less people are there. <3