Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Urban Dictionary

Found this on Tumblr. :) I promise I'll post a real blog sometime soon.

—- Go to and type in your answers to the following questions.
—- Post the first definition it gives you.

1. Your name: Jamie
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she kicks someone's ass when necessary.
Jamie is awesome.

2. Your age? Fourteen
A code word to alert someone that something embarassing is hanging from his/her nose or on his/her mouth.

3. One of your friends? Emma
A REALLY hot girl who is REALLY funny and irresistable to all guys. You either want to be here or be with her
"DAYUM man that girl is an emma"
"wow that girl is so emma i know i don't even have a chance!"
"every one likes emma"

(Hehe. :P)

4. What should you be doing? Summer Reading
The prickiest thing teachers could come up with, usually blown off until the last minute because kids shouldnt be forced to read.

5. Favorite color? Green
yes... it is most definitely referring to the marijuana... and also, upon occassion, any substance with similar uses. too, properly, of course, it is a golfing term, but that;s really not very much fun, now is it?.
'yo, where da green at?'

6. Birthplace? Seffner
The wost place to live in Florida. Drug capital of Hillsborough. Also known as Methner.
Seffner is known for it's many meth labs, and the ability to get any drug anywhere. Seffner also sucks.

7. Month of your birth? February
February is the best month of the year. Its still nice and cold and snowy, but you know that spring is just around the corner if you're tired of all the bad weather. February is also the most unique month. 28 days long,(unless its every four years on a 'leap' year) Valentines day is also in February. (the fourteenth)It's a fun holiday named after St. Valentine, and it's for cute happy couples. Many single or unhappy peope celebrate the anti Valentines day, ie. Singles awareness day. People born in February are without a doubt the Cutest, Smartest, and Funniest set of people. If you are born after the 20th, you are also a PICES. This is the best Zodiac sign.

"Kristy is so cute! Shes nice too! How did she get so purfect and talented?"
"She was born in February"

Saturday, June 26, 2010

100 Truths

Sorry that I haven't been blogging lately. I'm bored, so I'm gonna do this survey thing.

1. last beverage : Diet Coke
2. last phone call : Mi Madre
3. last text message : I can't remember. My phone died a few weeks ago, and I can't get a new one until September.
4. last song you listened to : Tonight- West Side Story
5. last time you cried : Second time I watched the Glee season finale. (Don't judge me. >.<)

6. dated someone twice : nope
7. been cheated on : nope
8. kissed someone & regretted it : nope
9. lost someone special : sadly yes
10. been depressed : yeah :/
11. been drunk and threw up : I don't support underage drinking.

12. Green
13. Blue
14. Red

15. Made a new friend : Yes
16. Fallen out of love : I've never been in love
17. Laughed until you cried : not yet
18. Met someone who changed you : yes (:
19. Found out who your true friends were : Yes.
20. Found out someone was talking about you: I already knew people talk about me.
21. Kissed anyone on your fb friend’s list: No

22. How many people on your fb friends list do you know in real life : 85% Maybe...
23. Where art thou : In the office
24. Do you have any pets : 3 Dogs, a cat, some fish, a bird, a rabbit, and two gerbils.
25. Do you want to change your name : Sometimes, but I pretty much like my name
26. What did you do for your last birthday : Went out to eat. Had veggie sushi. :D
27. What time did you wake up today : 7:30 AM
28. What were you doing at midnight last night : Watching Avatar with my sister and dad.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for : For SYTYCD to go on tour. oooh! Or August. I'm gonna see Cats with my mom. :D
30. Last time you saw your Mother: Thirty minutes ago maybe. She left to go shopping.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I wish I could take certain people out of my life...
32. What are you listening to right now : Cut Me Up Jenny- Taking Back Sunday
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom : Mhm.
35. Most visited sites: Twitter, BTT, Facebook, Glee Forum
37. Nicknames: Tomato, Mater, Jamers, Jam.Lee, Jamesicle...
38. Relationship Status : Single
39. Zodiac sign : Aquarius
40. Male or female? : Female
41. Elementary? : Seffner Christian Academy and Colson Elementary (5th grade)
42. Middle School : Moses Middle School
44. Hair color: Dark Brown. I had fuchsia in it, but it's faded into this blonde/red color. I like it. :P
45. Long or short : Long but with short layers
46. Height : I honestly don't know...
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: Kinda
48: What do you like about yourself? : Ehm...I usually like my hair .
49: Piercings : Two in each ear.
50. Tattoos: Thinking about it. Probably when I'm older
51. Righty or lefty? : Righty

52. First surgery: Never had one.
53. First piercing : Ears
54. First best friend(s) : Devin
55. First sport you joined : Never joined a sport
56. First vacation : It's either a trip to Ohio or Disney World. I think it's the latter.
58. First crush : I honestly can't remember.

59. Eating : Peanut butter crackers
60. Drinking : Diet Coke!
61. I’m about to : Go fold some laundry.
62. Listening to : Taking Back Sunday
63. Waiting for : Freshman year

64. Want kids? : Adopting an Asian girl and an African boy. Also might adopt a child from Brazil. I can't decide. :P
65. Get Married? : Before I turn 30.
66. Career? : Something to do with Disney, Broadway, or Politics.

67. Lips or eyes : Eyes
68. Hugs or kisses : Hugs
69. Shorter or taller : Taller
70. Older or Younger : Older
71. Romantic or spontaneous : Hmm, I can't decide.
72. Nice stomach or nice arms : I have a weird liking for arms....
73. Sensitive or loud: Middle
74. Hook-up or relationship : Relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant : Eh

76. Kissed a stranger : Nope
77. Drank hard liquor : Underage drinking is a no-no.
78. Lost glasses/contacts : Yeah, but I always found them
79. Sex on first date : o.O No.
80. Broken someone’s heart : Not to my knowledge.
81. Had your own heart broken : I think so...
82. Been arrested : Nope
83. Turned someone down : Yeah
84. Cried when someone died : Well, yeah
85. Fallen for a friend? : Sure

86. Yourself : I'd like to say yes, but eh....
87. Miracles : Yes
88. Love at first sight : No.
89. Heaven : Yes!
90. Santa Claus : No
91. Kiss on the first date : Sure
92. Angels : Yes

93. Had more than one bf/gf?: at one time? No. more than one boyfriend in my life, yes.
95. Did you sing today?: I sing every day. xD
96. If you could go back in time, how far would you go, and why?: I wouldn't.
97. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: Last day of the mission trip when we went to Disney. I met some amazing people and had the best time. :)
98. Are you afraid of falling in love with somebody else? : No
99. If you had the chance to go back and change something, what would it be? : I wouldn't.
100. Posting this as 100 truths? : Sure