Friday, July 2, 2010

Jamie's Saving Stuff From The Fire That's Burning Her House Down!!

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't really been blogging for a while. I don't really have an excuse other than me just not being in a bloggy mood. Anyways, I've been catching up on a lot of YouTube videos today. I was watching some Five Awesome Girls videos, and they had a theme where they told everyone 10 things that they would save from their house if it was on fire. I decided that it seemed like a fun idea, and made a list of stuff I would save. :)

1. Pinky
Pinky is a Precious Moments doll that my grandma gave me when I was eight (The year she died.) Since I was born I've always owned a Pinky, and I'm pretty sure I went through about five of them before I got the one I own currently. When I was little I would bring her everywhere with me. She holds a lot of memories, and she's pretty much the only thing left to remind me of my grandmother. (Besides pictures...)

2. My The Last Airbender Movie Posters
Yes, the movie sucked, but I own nothing else Avatar: The Last Airbender related. The show is just another one of my obsessions, but it means a lot more to me than that. The posters were the first things I got from Ebay. Haha.

3. My Guitar
I got it for Christmas, and I've been taking lessons since January. I love it, and it's a way for me to escape from everything.

4. Blanket From Italy
When my mom was a child my Grandaddy was in the air force. They traveled all over the world, and she lived in Italy when she was 5-7 years old. While there her family got three blankets from Italy. This Easter my Grandaddy brought them here and I was allowed to keep one. I've used it every night ever since, and it holds a lot of sentimental value. Plus, it's really warm and comfy.

5. My Dogs
3 of them. Max, Honey, and Beau. They're part of the family. They have to come.

6. Glee: Season 1 Part 1
Glee is so much more than an obsession for me. It's given me so much, and I have no idea how I would survive if I couldn't watch my favorite episodes at will.

7. Signed Copy of An Abundance of Katherine's
For my 13th birthday my friend Moze sent me a signed copy of this book. The book is one of my favorites, and it's signed by freaking John Green! It's one of my prized possessions. :)

8. Disney Pin Collection
I have some limited edition pins, and some that are newer but still mean a lot to me. I'm a Disney nerd.

9. Disney Hoodie
I got it during one of the best weeks of my life, Orlando Mission Trip. I made some new friends. We helped out an entire community. We all grew closer to God. It was just...amazing. This is the only thing I have from the trip. (Other than the shirt that everyone got. It says "Living Sacrifice, and I would save it too.) I wore it almost every day since I bought it. (It was $50.00 o.O)

10. My purse
It has my cell phone, my camera, my wallet, my MP3 player, my notebook/planner, the book I'm currently reading, and other day to day necessities.

So yeah. There you go. :)