Saturday, May 22, 2010

We're Gonna Start A Revolution

I believe in and love God. I go to church every Sunday and most Wednesdays. I figure I should just get that out there in the open. I'm not what some consider a "stereotypical Christian." I'm pretty open minded, I support gay rights, I'm not gonna force my religion on you, and I'm gonna love you no matter what you believe in (Unless you annoy me or something. :P). I'm not religious, because religion is all about rules, rituals, and regulations. I am simply a child of God.

I started going to this church in September, and I immediately loved it. The people were real. They weren't cookie cutter fabulous. They were there to reconnect with their Lord and really listen and learn from the sermon. The middle school pastor really connected with his students. He knew how to get them to shut up and really listen to the message that he was trying to get across. When we would worship together I would get moved to the point of tears. All around the room you would see hands lifted to God. Keep in mind that these are middle schoolers who usually don't stop talking long enough to actually pay attention to anything important. I've seen a lot of kids actually devote their life to God, and I've seen so many lives changed in this church. I've made a lot of really close friends, and I've had a few life changing experiences there.

Anyways, the middle school Wednesday night church service, Revolution, ended this past Wednesday. I'm pretty upset. I would go on Wednesdays to relieve the stress of school, drama, family, etc. I would go to worship, and see some of my friends. Another sad thing is that I'm never gonna get to go to Revolution again. In two weeks I'm leaving middle school behind and moving onto high school. The church has a high school service every Sunday night called Reckless, and we were invited to go to Reckless this Sunday. They're trying to help us soon-to-be-ninth graders move into high school and get connected with the high school group/service.

I want to go on Sunday, but I'm kind of nervous. This Friday my group leader moved to Tennessee, and she was the one who was going to take me to Reckless and introduce me to some of the high schoolers she knows. I was planning to Facebook contact one of my friends who goes to Reckless and ask if she would mind helping me out tomorrow night, but I don't know how to word the message the right way. I could just say "Hey, the 8th graders were invited to Reckless, and I was wondering if you would mind helping me get connected" but that sounds stupid in my opinion. My friend said that she might come to Reckless with me tomorrow, but I have no idea if she's going to follow through, and I do not want to go by myself. As I stated in my first blog, I'm not I'm kinda scared when it comes to introducing myself to a group of people, and it seems like all of the high schoolers at Reckless already know each other.

Speaking of friends...I miss some of mine. You know who you are. I love you all, and I think we all need to talk. Soon. I'm starting to get annoyed with some other people, but I say this all the time and never do anything about it. I think I need help if I'm actually going to do anything. I really want to drift away from some of the people I consider "friends" now, because I just feel like I don't connect with them anymore. I want to obsess over Harry Potter, John Green, YouTube, and books, but all they seem to want to talk about is bands who, frankly in my opnion, aren't very good. Maybe my tastes have changed. Teenagerhood is all about finding out who you really are, and right now I'm a Nerdfighter. I want to talk about the latest FiveAwesomeGirls YouTube video or John Green's latest book, and nobody else I hang out with anymore wants to talk about that stuff. Alas, I'm too nice of a person and I'm not going to actually follow through with this whole drifting away idea, unless I find some help.

It's not everyone though. I still love certain people (Chantal, you are one of these people. :) I don't know if you're gonna read this though, and if you do then you should make a blog. That would be cool.)

I think I hear my mom walking down the stairs, and she told me that she's gonna steal the computer. Oh no! :O Anywas, I need to read this book that I have a project for. (It's due Thursday. I haven't even started the book, and you wonder why the title of my blog is Procrastination?)

I love you all. :D